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۱۳۸۸ مرداد ۵, دوشنبه

خوراک بال بوقلمون یا مرغ

برخی از مردم بال مرغ یا بوقلمون را از ران و سینه آن بیشتر دوست دارند، زیرا دارای گوشت خوشمزه تر و لطیف تر است و آسانتر تهیه می شود، با توجه به علل مزبور دستور طبخ آن را می دهیم.
مواد لازم
1 . بال بوقلمون یا مرغ که قسمت نوک آن گرفته شده است - 500 گرم
2 . کره یا روغن مایع - 100 گرم
3 . نخود سبز که از پوست در آمده باشد - 1 لیوان
4 . بادام پوست گرفته بو داده - 1 فنجان
5 . نعناع و ترخان تازه خرد شده - 2 قاشق سوپخوری
6 . خردل - 1 قاشق مرباخوری
7 . پاپریکا (فلفل قرمز شیرین) - 1 قاشق مرباخوری یا کمی زعفران
8 . نمک و فلفل به قدر کافی
طرز تهیه
کره یا روغن را گرم می کنیم، قطعات بال را با پاپریکا یا زعفران آغشته کرده ، کمی به آنها نمک می زنیم و در روغنی که قدری داغ شده باشد ، می اندازیم ، دو طرف بال ها را به حدی که زیاد خشک نشود ، در روغن سرخ می کنیم.
1 لیوان آب جوش آهسته از کنار ظرف به داخل آن می ریزیم و خردل را در کمی آب حل کرده ، به آن اضافه می کنیم ، بعد نخود را در دو گوشه ظرف ریخته ، در ظرف را می بندیم. حرارت را ملایم می کنیم تا نخود و بال ها پخته شود. بعد به طور منظم بال ها را در دیس می کشیم.
سس آن را می چشیم و نمک و فلفل و ترشی آن را اندازه می کنیم و بعد از یکی دو جوش سس را روی آن می ریزیم و بادام بو داده را روی آن می پاشیم. این خوراک را می توانیم با برنج زعفرانی که به آن کمی فلفل قرمز کوبیده شده و کاری زده ایم، سر میز ببریم.

۱۳۸۸ مرداد ۳, شنبه

ماهی با سس پیاز (چینی)

مواد لازم برای 6 نفر
1 . ماهی سنگسر یا شوریده - 1 عدد(درحدود 2 کیلوگرم)
2 . پیاز متوسط - 3 تا 4 عدد
3 . روغن مایع - 2 تا 3 قاشق سوپخوری
4 . فلفل دلمه سبز و قرمز - 2 تا 3 عدد
5 . رب گوجه فرنگی - 1 قاشق غذاخوری
طرز تهیه
شکم ماهی را چاک داده، محتویات آن را خارج می کنیم. به وسیله قاشق،لخته خونی را که به استخوان ستون فقرات ماهی چسبیده است، جدا می کنیم و شکم ماهی را شسته ، آن را خشک می کنیم و کمی نمک و فلفل و آبلیمو به داخل شکم ماهی می مالیم.
پیاز را خرد کرده با روغن مایع کمی سرخ می کنیم و با کفکیر پیاز را از روغن خارج می نمائیم. ماهی را در ظرف روغن قرار می دهیم. حرارت را ملایم می کنیم، در ظرف را می بندیم. در حدود 30 دقیقه می گذاریم بماند تا پوست ماهی به آسانی کنده شود. بعد با نوک کارد ، پوست ماهی را می کنیم و به وسیله کفکیر ماهی را می غلطانیم و پوست طرف دیگر ماهی را می گیریم.
فلفل ها را خرد کرده با پیاز نیمه سرخ کنار ظرف ماهی می ریزیم . رب گوجه فرنگی را با نصف لیوان آب و کمی نمک و فلفل و چند قاشق سوپخوری آبلیمو مخلوط می کنیم و روی ماهی می ریزیم.
در ظرف را می بندیم تا ماهی پخته شده پیاز و فلفل نرم شود و سس آن در حدود 4 قاشق سوپخوری گردد .
ماهی را در دیس قرار می دهیم ، سس را روی ماهی می ریزیم و اطراف ماهی را با حلقه های لیمو ترش یا نارنج و جعفری و خیار شور تزئین می نماییم.

۱۳۸۸ تیر ۲۹, دوشنبه

آرتیشو با زیتون (الجزایری)

مواد لازم برای 6 نفر
1 . قلب آرتیشوی کنسرو - 18 عدد (در صورت امکان می توان آرتیشوی تازه را پخت و ته آن را که به قلب آرتیشو معروف است جدا کرد).
2 . زیتون سیاه - 200 گرم
3 . روغن زیتون - 3 تا 4 قاشق سوپخوری
4 . تخم گشنیز نکوبیده - 1 قاشق مرباخوری
5 . دارچین کوبیده نرم - 1 قاشق مرباخوری
6 . لیمو ترش تازه - 3 عدد
7 . آویشن خرد شده - 1 قاشق غذاخوری (یا مقدار کمی سبزی معطر خرد شده)
8 . سیر - 3 تا 4 پر
9 . نمک و فلفل به قدر کافی
طرز تهیه
آب 2 عدد لیموها را می گیریم و آن را با روغن زیتون و کمی نمک و فلفل و دارچین و آویشن و تخم گشنیز را مخلوط می کنیم. آرتیشوها را در ظرف نسوزی می چینیم و سس آماده شده را روی آن می دهیم و ظرف را 10 تا 15 دقیقه روی پنجره وسط فر با حرارت ملایم می گذاریم. بعد ظرف را بیرون می آوریم.
روی هر آرتیشو را یک دانه زیتون سیاه می گذاریم و 1 دانه لیمو را نیز حلقه می کنیم و دور آن می چینیم. لازم به یادآوری است که باید آرتیشوی تازه را پخت و برگ و تیغ روی آن را گرفت . آرتیشوی کنسروی که آماده است ، گاهی سفت و غیر قابل خوردن است . در این صورت باید آن را با مقداری آب و کمی نمک و سرکه پخته ، به مصرف رسانید.

۱۳۸۸ تیر ۲۸, یکشنبه

دیس تخم مرغ و گوشت (2)

مواد لازم برای 6 نفر
1 . ماهی آزاد دودی - 14 ورقه خیلی نازک (در خارج این نوع ماهی آماده به فروش می رسد) ممکن است از 14 ورقه ژامبون ظریف یک اندازه استفاده کنیم.
2 . کمپوت آناناس خرد شده - 1 فنجان (باید آنها با قیچی به شکل چهار گوش و یک اندازه خرد شود)
3 . کنسرو میگو کوچک - 1 فنجان
4 . آواکادو - 1 عدد
5 . آبلیموی تازه - 2 قاشق سوپخوری
6 . خامه - 1 قاشق سوپخوری
7 . نمک به مقدار کم
طرز تهیه
آبلیمو و خامه و کمی نمک را مخلوط می کنیم. آواکادو را دو نیم کرده ، هسته آن را بیرون می آوریم و پوست می کنیم. در صورت امکان با قاشق مخصوص کوچک آن را به صورت گلوله های گرد مثل دانه انگور در می آوریم. چنانچه قاشق مخصوص در دسترس نبود ، آواکادو را با قیچی در قطعات چهارگوش کوچک خرد می کنیم. 2 قطعه از ژامبونها را کنار می گذاریم و روی 12 قطعه دیگر را که باید به یک اندازه باشند ، کمی از مخلوط خامه و آبلیمو می مالیم .
ژامبونها را لوله کرده ، هر 2 لوله را از یک چوب خلال نازک رد می کنم. آواکادو و میگو را با کمی آبلیموی نمک زده آغشته می نمائیم و به هر چوب خلال 1 عدد میگو و ا قطعه آواکادو می زنیم.
2 قطعه دیگر ژامبون یا ماهی را به شکل نوار کمی پهن می بریم و لای هر کدام 1 قطعه آناناس می گذاریم و بعد از هر چوب خلال 2 قطعه ژامبون آناناس رد می کنیم.
در پایان کار لوله های ژامبون آواکادو (یا ماهی آواکادو) و میگو و آناناس و ژامبون را مطاب به طور منظم در دیس گردی می چینیم و کنار دیس تخم مرغ و گوشت سرو می کنیم.

۱۳۸۸ تیر ۲۶, جمعه

پلومبیر میوه

مواد لازم
1 . خامه - 500 گرم
2 . تخم مرغ - 5 عدد
3 . شکر - 5 قاشق سوپخوری (125 گرم)
4 . پودر قند - 4 قاشق سوپخوری (100 گرم)
5 . میوه خرد کرده - 2 لیوان
(توت فرنگی تازه یا کمپوت آناناس،سیب،گلابی یا گیلاس)
6 . وانیل - 1 قاشق چایخوری
طرز تهیه
زرده تخم مرغ را با شکر و وانیل مخلوط کرده ، هم می زنیم تا کاملا سفت و سفید و کشدار شود. خامه را با پودر قند مخلوط می کنیم و ظرف خامه را روی یخ می گذاریم و خامه را هم می زنیم تا سفت شده، فرم بگیرد. سفیده را جداگانه آنقدر می زنیم تا مثل پنبه سفید و سفت و خشک شود.
سفیده را کم کم در خامه ریخته ، هم می زنیم . 3 تا 4 قاشق از خامه را برای تزئین کنار می گذاریم. زرده را کم کم داخل خامه می ریزیم و هم می زنیم و در آخر کار میوه های خرد شده را مخلوط می کنیم. مایه را در ظرف مستطیل شکلی می ریزیم و در جا یخی یخچال یا فریزر قرار می دهیم .
مدت 5 تا 6 ساعت وقت لازم است تا پلومبیر کاملا بسته شود . ظرف پلومبیر را یک لحظه در آب نیم گرم قرار می دهیم و ظرف مناسبی را روی دهانه قالب می گذاریم و پلومبیر را در ظرف بر می گردانیم،خامه ای را که کنار گذارده ایم ، در قیف می ریزیم و روی پلومبیر را با آن تزئین می کنیم.با چند عدد توت فرنگی و کمپوت گیلاس یا مربای خیار که به شکل لوزی بریده شده،روی پلومبیر را تزئین می نمائیم.
می توانیم کف قالب پلومبیر را یک ورقه نازک ژنوآز یا بیسکویت بچینیم، بعد مایه پلومبیر را روی آن بریزیم و بگذاریم بسته شود. اطراف پلومبیر را با کارد از قالب جدا کرده و پلومبیر را در ظرف مناسبی بر می گردانیم و مطابق دستور فوق روی آن را تزئین می نمائیم.

۱۳۸۸ تیر ۲۴, چهارشنبه

برانی بادنجان

این برانی هم مثل برانی کدو تهیه می شود.
ممکن است بادنجان ها را در فر کبابی نمود به حدی که کاملا نرم شود و پوست آن به آسانی گرفته شود. بعد بادنجان ها را ساطوری کرده ، دو سه پر سیر را نرم می کوبیم ، در کمی روغن کمی سیر را سرخ می نمائیم و بادنجان ساطوری شده را با سیر در حدی که آب آن گرفته شود ، کمی سرخ نموده با ماست مخلوط شده با زعفران و نمک و فلفل مخلوط می نمائیم.

۱۳۸۸ تیر ۲۳, سه‌شنبه

کرپ با خامه و مغز گردو

مواد لازم برای 6 نفر
1 . کرپ آماده شده - 18 ورق
2 . خامه - 200 گرم
3 . مغز گردو تازه پوست گرفته - 150 گرم (ممکن است روز قبل گردوی خشک را در آب سرد خیس کرده پوست بکنیم)
4 . پودر قند - 2 قاشق سوپخوری (50 گرم)
5 . شربت غلیظ کارامل - 1 فنجان
طرز تهیه کرپ
5 عدد تخم مرغ را خوب مخلوط می کنیم. یک لیوان آرد و یک لیوان شیر را با یک قاشق چایخوری وانیل در داخل تخم مرغ می ریزیم،هم می زنیم . اگر مایه کاملا صاف نشد ، از صافی رد می کنیم .
تابه کوچک تفلون را کمی چرب می نمائیم ، روی حرارت ملایم قرار می دهیم . دو تا سه قاشق سوپخوری از مایه را وسط تابه می ریزیم . تابه را آهسته می غلطانیم تا سطح تابه از مایه کاملا پوشیده شود. دوباره یک لحظه تابه را روی حرارت ملایم قرار می دهیم تا کرپ کمی برشته شود.
بعد کرپ را در سینی برمی گردانیم و به همین ترتیب تمام کرپها را آماده می کنیم. باید توجه داشت کرپ ها در نهایت ظرافت تهیه شود و برای این منظور از مایه به حدی در تابه ریخته شود که کرپ کلفت و ضخیم نشود. بعد خامه را در ظرف کوچکی می ریزیم و ظرف را روی یخ قرار می دهیم.
با همزن برقی خامه را می زنیم تا سفت شده ، فرم بگیرد. نصف قاشق چایخوری وانیل و پودر قند را با خامه مخلوط می کنیم و گردو را اضافه کرده ، هم می زنیم و لای هر کرپ که کاملا سرد شده است ، مقداری از این مواد می ریزیم و کرپ را تا می زنیم در ظرف می چینیم و روی آن شربت کارامل می دهیم.
طرز تهیه شربت کارامل
در ظرف کوچکی یک لیوان شکر را با کمی آب به حدی که فقط شکر مرطوب شود مخلوط می کنیم. ظرف را روی حرارت تند قرار می دهیم ، گاهی آهسته هم می زنیم تا ذرات شکر کاملا حل شده و شربت به تدریج طلا ئی شود.
وقتی شکر رنگ طلایی یکنواخت را پیدا کرد ، با احتیاط نصف لیوان آب جوش در آن می ریزیم ، می گذاریم شربت بجوشد و ذرات شکر کارامل شده کاملا حل شود و شربت غلیظ گردد. بعد ظرف را از روی آتش برمی داریم ، سرد که شد باید شربت کاملا غلیظ باشد.
نکته حساس در شربت به موقع آب ریختن در آن است که نباید زیاد پر رنگ و قهوه ای و یا زرد و کم رنگ باشد که شکرک بزند.

۱۳۸۸ تیر ۲۱, یکشنبه

Aab-goosht Badenjan

Ingredients:4 servings
leg or shoulder of lamb or beef, 600 grams
split peas, 50 grams
small eggplants, 6
medium onions, 3
medium potatoes, 6
tomato paste, 2 spoons
cooking oil
black pepper
turmeric, 1 teaspoon
Peel and thinly slice onions. Fry in oil until slightly golden. Wash split peas and fry slightly with onions. Cut meat into small pieces, add to onions and split peas, and fry over medium heat until colour changes. Add salt, black pepper, and turmeric. Follow with six glasses of hot water and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes. The pot should be covered with a tight lid so that little steam escapes during cooking.Peel eggplants and cut perpendicular to their major axis to a thickness of 1 cm. Add a bit of salt and fry in oil over medium heat on both sides until colour changes. Wash and peel potatoes. Add eggplants, potatoes, and tomato paste. Cook over low heat with the pot again tightly covered for another 30 minutes. If necessary, add more hot water during cooking.When cooked, pour the juice into another container. With the back of a fork or spoon, fully crush the ingredients and mix well. Serve both the ingredients and the juice separately with Iranian, middle-eastern, or pita bread. Rice is not served with aab-goosht. When eating, cut bread into small pieces and briefly soak in the juice or form morsels by wrapping a small piece of bread around some of the food

Ab-goosht lappe

Ab-goosht lappe

Ingredients: 4 Servings
leg or shoulder of lamb or beef, 600 grams
split peas, 50 grams
dried limes, 4 (or 1/2 cup of fresh lime juice)
medium onions, 3
medium potatoes, 6
cooking oil
black pepper
turmeric, 1 teaspoon
Peel and thinly slice onions. Fry in oil until slightly golden. Wash split peas and fry slightly with onions. Cut meat into small pieces, add to onions and split peas, and fry over medium heat until color changes. Add salt, black pepper, and turmeric. Follow with six glasses of hot water and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes. The pot should be covered with a tight lid so that little steam escapes during cooking.Add crushed dried limes or lime juice. Wash and peel potatoes and add in as well. Cook over low heat with the pot again tightly covered for another 30 minutes. If necessary, add more hot water during cooking.When cooked, pour the juice into another container. With the back of a fork or spoon, fully crush the ingredients and mix well. Serve both the ingredients and the juice separately with Iranian, middle-eastern, or pita bread. Rice is not served with aab-goosht. When eating, cut bread into small pieces and briefly soak in the juice or form morsels by wrapping a small piece of bread around some of the food

Gholveh - Kidney

Ingredients: 4 Servings
sheep kidneys, 4
butter, 100 grams
taraggon, 100 grams
lime juice, 2-3 spoonfuls
flour, one teaspoon
parsley, 50 grams
black pepper
Cut kidneys in half and carefully remove the skin and the veins inside. Wash kidney halves and dry. Wash taraggon and parsley, and chop finely. Melt butter in a pan. Fry kidney halves in butter for a few minutes. Add flour and fry for a few more minutes over medium heat.Add a cup of hot water, salt and black pepper and cook over low heat for about 5 minutes. Add lime juice and tarragon and cook for another 2 minutes. Sprinkle parsley over kidney halves and serve with Iranian or middle eastern bread

۱۳۸۸ تیر ۲۰, شنبه

Maghz - Brain

Ingredients:4 Servings
lamb brains, 4
butter, 100 grams
vinegar, 2-3 spoons
medium onions, 2
large eggs, 2
flour, 100 grams
herbs (parsley, coriander, dill, spring-onion ends), 200 grams
black pepper
Brain is quite fatty and not for everyone! Note that in some countries a concern does exist regarding transmission of diseases through beef/lamb brains, and that they may not be available everywhere. Peel and thinly slice onions. Wash brains carefully in cold water, removing skin and veins. Add warm water, salt, black pepper, vinegar, and onions, and cook over medium heat for 10-15 minutes. Drain water taking care not to crush brains. Allow to cool. Slice to a 1cm thickness.Wash and finely chop the herbs. Add to eggs with salt and black pepper and mix well. Pour flour on both sides of brain slices, then dip each side in the egg-mix and fry in butter on both sides until golden. Serve with Iranian, middle-eastern or pitta bread

Del - Heart

Ingredients:4 Servings
sheep hearts, 4
mushrooms, 250 grams
cheddar cheese, 50 grams
medium carrot, one
medium onion, one
herbs (parsley, tarragon, dill, mint), 100 grams
butter, 100 grams
cooking oil
black pepper
Bring some water to boil. Add sheep hearts and allow them to turn whitish in colour. Remove any blood with the tip of a knife, then wash and dry the hearts. Fry in oil over medium heat on all sides for a few minutes.Peel and thinly slice the onion. Wash and peel the carrot, then cut into thin, round slices. Wash and finely chop the herbs.Add onion, carrot, herbs, salt, and black pepper to hearts. Follow with a cup of hot water and cook over low heat for about 40 minutes. A bit of juice should be left when cooking is over. Allow the hearts to cool.Cut hearts length-wise taking care not to separate the two parts. Wash mushrooms and slice. Fry mushrooms in butter for about 10 minutes, while adding some salt and black pepper. Add mushrooms to the sauce prepared earlier and mix well.Pour some of this sauce inside each heart and over them. Close the hearts to return them to original shape. Sprinkle grated cheddar cheese on top and serve with Iranian or middle-western bread

Zaban - Tongue

Ingredients: 4 Servings
one beef or two lamb tongues
garlic, 2-3 cloves
medium onions, 2
tomato paste, 3-4 spoons
mushrooms, 500 grams
butter, 100 grams
herbs (parsley, coriander, dill, spring-onion ends), 200 grams
black pepper
Tongue is very tasty but takes a long time to cook. Wash the tongue(s) carefully. Add hot water and bring to a boil. Remove the foam that accumulates on top.Peel garlic cloves and onions, then slice them thinly. Wash herbs and chop them finely. Add garlic, onions, and herbs to tongue and cook over low heat for 4-5 hours, adding more hot water during cooking if necessary. Salt and black pepper should be added near the end of cooking. When tongue is cooked, there should be about one cup of water left. Remove tongue and peel the skin while still warm. Allow to cool, then cut into thin slices using a sharp knife

۱۳۸۸ تیر ۱۹, جمعه

Meigo-polow - Shrimp & Rice

Ingredients: 4 Servings
large shrimps, 500 grams
basmati or long-grain rice, 500 grams
tomato paste, 2 spoonfuls
butter, 150 grams
flour, one spoonful
curry powder, 1-2 spoonfuls
large eggs, 3-4
parsley, 100 grams
cooking oil
black pepper
Cook rice as described in the recipe for kateh. Wash shrimps, add salt and hot water and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes. There should be about one glass of water left when shrimp is cooked. Boil eggs until hard.Fry flour in butter over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Add tomato paste to shrimp juice and mix well. Add slowly to flour and stir while adding.Add salt, black pepper and curry powder and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Add the sauce to shrimps and mix well. Wash parsley and cut. Serve shrimps with kateh, sliced eggs and parsley


ngredients: 4 Servings
moong, 300 grams
long-grain or basmati rice, 400 grams
beef or lamb, 400 grams
onions, 2 large
tomato paste, 2-3 spoons
turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon
cooking oil
black pepper
Peel and thinly slice onions. Fry in oil until slightly golden. Cut meat into small pieces and fry in onions until color changes. Add two glasses of hot water, salt, black pepper, and tomato paste, and cook over medium heat for about 40 minutes.Wash moong. Add 1-2 glasses of hot water, turmeric, and a bit of salt and cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes. Drain water. Add to meat and mix well.Prepare rice as in Kateh or Polow. If cooking Kateh, when excess water is boiled off, add meat-moong, mix well, and continue cooking. If cooking Polow, when rice is rinsed, add meat-moong, mix well, and continue cooking

۱۳۸۸ تیر ۱۸, پنجشنبه


Ingredients: 4 Servings
basmati or long-grain rice, 500 grams
herbs (parsley, dill, coriander, fenugreek, spring onion ends), 1 kg
cooking oil
black pepper
Wash herbs and chop finely, then add salt and black pepper. Prepare rice as described in the recipe for polow but after rice is half-cooked and rinsed, mix it with herbs and continue cooking. Sabzi polow is usually served with fish

Bagali Shevid Polo - Lima Bean with Dill Rice

Rice : 700 gram
Baby lima beans : 300 gram
3 cups of fresh dill
3 medium potatoes, (optional)
1/4 teaspoon saffron
Salt and pepper
Prepare the rice. Melt 4 tablespoons butter in a non-stick saucepan. Arrange potato slices in single layer in saucepan. Spread one-third of prepared rice over potatoes. Salt and pepper. Cover with half of lima beans, and half of dill. Cover with half of remaining rice and remainder of lima beans and dill. Top with remaining rice. Keep ingredients mounded high in center so steam can circulate. Sprinkle enough water over rice. Slice remaining butter, place over rice. Cover rice with waxed paper. Wrap cover of pot in kitchen towel and place over saucepan to keep steam inside. Cook over medium-high heat 8 minutes, reduce heat to low, and cook 35 minutes or until rice is soft and fluffy. Set 1 cup rice aside. Mound remaining rice on serving dish. Remove potatoes from saucepan with spatula and place around rice or in separate dish. Sprinkle reserved cup of rice with saffron and mix well. Spread saffron rice on top of plain rice. Season with salt and pepper

Albaloo-polow - Cherry & Rice

Albaloo-polow - Cherry & Rice

Ingredients: 4 Servings
long-grain or basmati rice, 500 grams
chicken, one medium-size
black cherry (or cherry), 1kg
sugar, 1 kg
onions, 2 medium
saffron, 1/2 teaspoon
cooking oil
black pepper
Wash black cherries (or cherries) and remove the stones. Add sugar. If you are using cherries rather than black (sour) cherries, less sugar can be used. Bring to boil. Cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool down completely. Remove the extra syrup.Peel and thinly slice onions. Wash chicken. Add onions, salt, black pepper, and a glass of hot water, and cook over medium heat for 20-25 minutes. Allow to cool, then remove bones. Filter the chicken juice and save for later use. Follow instructions for preparing Polow until rice is rinsed. Pour 2 spoonfuls of cooking oil and half a glass of hot water in a pot. Follow with half of the rinsed rice and the black cherries (or cherries), and mix well. Cover with half of remaining rice. Spread chicken over the rice, and cover with the remaining rice. Shape into a cone. Mix 2-3 spoonfuls of cooking oil with black cherry (or cherry) syrup and chicken juice. Pour the mix over rice. Cover the pot and cook in an oven or over low heat for about one hour.When cooked, remove some of the rice and mix with saffron dissolved in a bit of hot water. When serving, spread saffron-rice over Albaloo-Polow

Loobia-polow - Beans & Rice

Ingredients:4 Servings
basmati or long-grain rice, 500 grams
lamb or beef, 400 grams
green beans, 400 grams
medium onions, 3
tomato paste, 1-2 spoonfuls
cooking oil, 100 grams
black pepper
Peel and slice onions and fry in oil until slightly golden. Cut meat into small pieces and add to onions. Fry over medium heat until colour changes.Wash green beans and cut into 2-3 cm pieces. Add to meat with 1-2 glasses of hot water and cook for about 30 minutes on medium heat, adding more hot water if necessary. Add tomato paste, salt and black pepper and cook for another 15 minutes on medium heat.Prepare rice as described in the recipe for polow but after rice is half-cooked and rinsed, add the meat-mix and mix well. Cover and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes

Haveej-polow - Carrot & Rice

Ingredients:4 Servings
basmati or long-grain rice, 500 grams
chicken, 750 grams
carrots, 750 grams
medium onions, 4
sugar, 100 grams
saffron, 1/2 teaspoon
cooking oil
Wash and peel carrots, then grate them, and fry in oil for a few minutes. Dissolve sugar in a glass of hot water, add to carrots and cook over medium heat for a few minutes until little water is left.Peel and slice onions and fry in oil until slightly golden. Wash and cut chicken into pieces, and fry in onions on both sides until color changes. Add salt and one glass of hot water, and cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes. Allow chicken to cool down, then remove bones and cut meat into small pieces.Prepare rice as described in the recipe for polow but after rice is half-cooked and rinsed, mix it with chicken (and juice) and carrots, and continue cooking. When ready, dissolve saffron in 2-3 spoons of hot water in a bowl, then add rice and mix well. Add saffron-rice on top of Haveej polow and serve

۱۳۸۸ تیر ۱۷, چهارشنبه


Ingredients: 4 Servings
basmati or long-grain rice, 500 grams
ground lamb or beef, 400 grams
medium onions, 4
tomato paste, 4 spoons
cooking oil
black pepper
Peel and slice onions. Fry in oil until slightly golden. Add ground lamb or beef, salt, and black pepper and fry until color changes. Dissolve tomato paste in a glass of hot water and add to meat. Cook for a few minutes until little water is left.Prepare rice as described in the recipe for polow but after rice is half-cooked and rinsed, mix it with the meat, and continue cooking


Ingredients: 4 Servings
lentils, 400 grams
long-grain or basmati rice, 500 grams
ground beef or lamb, 400 grams
dates (pitted), 100 grams
raisins, 120 grams
saffron, 1/2 teaspoon
onions, 2 large
cooking oil
black pepper
Soak rice in water for 3-4 hours, then cook in salted water for 10-15 minutes using a non-stick pot until it just softens. Drain water and empty the pot.Bring 2-3 cups of water to boil. Wash lentil and add to water with a bit of salt. Cook over medium heat for about 15-20 minutes until tender.Peel and thinly slice onions. Fry in oil until slightly golden. Add ground beef or lamb, salt and black pepper, and fry over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Add one cup of hot water and cook until water has been mostly absorbed.Wash raisins and dates. Pour 1/2 cup of water and some oil in the non-stick pot. Pour in half of the rice. Follow with meat, lentil, raisins, dates and raisins. Then add in remainder of rice. Cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. Dissolve saffron in 1/3 cup of hot water and pour over the rice. Mix well before serving


Ingredients:4 Servings
long-grain or basmati rice, 500 grams
ground beef or lamb, 400 grams
cabbage, 750 grams
onions, 2 large
tomato paste, 3-4 teaspoons
cooking oil
black pepper
Peel and thinly slice onions. Fry in oil over medium heat until slightly golden. Add meat, tomato paste, salt, pepper, and turmeric and mix well. Fry over medium heat for about 15 minutes until meat changes color.Wash and finely chop cabbage. Fry in oil over medium heat for 5-10 minutes. Add two glasses of hot water, salt, pepper and tomato paste and cook over medium heat for 10-15 minutes. Add cabbage to meat and mix well.Prepare kateh or polow. If making kateh, when water has mostly boiled off, add cabbage-meat, mix well and continue cooking. If making polow, when rice is half-cooked and rinsed, add cabbage-meat to rice in layers and continue cooking


Ingredients: 4 Servings
basmati or long-grain rice, 500 grams
chicken, 800 grams
cooking oil
butter, 2 spoons
almonds, 50 grams
pistachios, 50 grams
orange peel, 100 grams
sugar, two spoons
large onions, two
sugar, 500 grams
saffron, 1/2 teaspoon
black pepper
Soak rice in warm water for 2 hours. Wash chicken. Peel and thinly slice onions. Fry in oil until slightly golden. Add chicken pieces and fry until color changes. Add a glass of hot water, salt and pepper and cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes. Add more hot water during cooking if necessary. About 1/2 glass of water should be left at the end. Romove chicken bones.Save three spoons of sugar for later use. Add remaining sugar to a glass of hot water and bring to a boil. Add chicken juice, 2-3 spoons of oil and saffron, and mix well.Thinly slice almonds and pistachios. Soak almonds in cold water for an hour. Thinly slice orange peels. Boil for a few minutes, drain and repeat. Soak in cold water for an hour, drain, and repeat. Finally boil for a few minutes with three spoons of sugar, and drain. Prepare rice using the recipe for polow. When rice is rinsed, pour a bit of oil and hot water in a pot, and add 1/2 of rice. Spread chicken pieces over the rice, and cover with 1/2 of remaining rice. Spread half of almonds and orange peel over rice and cover with remaining rice. Pour sugar and chicken-juice mix prepared earlier over rice. Cover and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes. Add remainder of almonds, orange peel, and pistachios, and mix well



Ingredients: 4 Servings
basmati or long-grain rice, 500 grams
chicken, 800 grams
cooking oil
butter, 2 spoons
barberries (dried), 80 grams
almonds, 50 grams
pistachios, 50 grams
raisins, 50 grams
orange peel, 100 grams
sugar, two spoons
large onions, two
saffron, 1/2 teaspoon
black pepper
Morasah-Polow is an elaborate rice dish which means jeweled rice and is usually made at weddings. Soak rice in warm water for 2 hours. Wash chicken. Peel and thinly slice onions. Fry in oil until slightly golden. Add chicken pieces and fry until color changes. Add a glass of hot water, salt and pepper and cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes. Add more hot water during cooking if necessary. About 1/2 glass of water should be left at the end. Romove chicken bones.Wash barberries and raisins with cold water and drain. Fry separately in oil over medium heat for a few minutes. Add some sugar to barberries during frying. Thinly slice almonds and pistachios. Soak almonds in cold water for an hour. Thinly slice orange peels. Boil for a few minutes, drain and repeat. Soak in cold water for an hour, drain, and repeat. Finally boil for a few minutes with a few spoons of sugar, and drain.Prepare rice using the recipe for polow. When rice is rinsed, pour a bit of oil and hot water in a pot, and add 1/2 of rice. Spread chicken pieces over the rice, and cover with 1/2 of remaining rice. Spread half of almonds and orange peel over rice and cover with remaining rice. Pour chicken-juice and a bit of oil over rice. Dissolve saffron in a bit of hot water and also pour over rice. Cover and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes. Add remainder of almonds and orange peel, raisins, barberries, and pistachios, and mix well. Pour two spoons of melted butter on top, and serve

۱۳۸۸ تیر ۱۶, سه‌شنبه

Zereshk polow


Ingredients: 4 Servings
basmati or long-grain rice, 500 grams
chicken, 800 grams
cooking oil
barberries (dried), four spoons
sugar, one spoon
onions, two large
saffron, 1/2 teaspoon
black pepper
Remove the skin from chicken pieces. Marinate chicken in grated onions, salt and pepper for 4-5 hours.Cook rice using the recipe given for polow or kateh.Wash barberries twice with cold water and drain the water. Add sugar and fry in butter over medium heat for about five minutes.Pour saffron in a small bowl. Pour in 2-3 spoons of hot water and mix. Fill the bowl with rice and mix well. Add saffron-rice and barberries to the rest of the rice and mix well.Cook chicken under grill for 15-20 minutes turning each piece a few times during cooking. Serve with barberry-rice


Ingredients: 4 Servings
chicken, 1 kg
pitted prunes, 400 grams
onions, 2 large
saffron, 1/2 teaspoon
potatoes, 2 large
cooking oil
Wash prunes and soak in two glasses of cold water for 30 minutes.Peel and thinly slice onions. Fry in oil until slightly golden. Wash chicken pieces and fry in onions until color changes. Add salt and prunes (with the water they were soaked in) to chicken and cook over medium heat for about 20-30 minutes.Wash and Peel potatoes and cut into 1-2 cm pieces. Add potatoes and saffron to chicken and prunes and cook over medium heat for another 10 minutes. Serve with Kateh or Polow

Khoresh Ghaarch

Ingredients: 4 servings
chicken, 500 grams
mushrooms, 500 grams
onions, 2 large
wheat flour, one spoonful
fresh lime juice, 3-4 spoonfuls
saffron, 1/2 teaspoon
cooking oil
black pepper
Peel and thinly slice onions. Fry in oil until slightly golden. Wash chicken pieces and fry in onions until color changes. Add a glass of hot water, salt and pepper and cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes. Wash mushrooms and cut into small pieces. Fry in oil for about 5 minutes. Pour flour on and mix well. Fry a bit longer, then add to chicken. Add in saffron and lime juice, and cook over low heat for another 5-10 minutes. Serve with Kateh or Polow

Khoresh Loobia-Sabz

Ingredients: 6 servings
stewing lamb or beef, 500 grams
string beans, 750 grams
potatoes, 500 grams optional
3-4 onions
fresh Lime juice, 2-3 spoons
tomato paste, 3-4 spoons
cooking oil
black pepper
Peel and thinly slice onions, then fry in oil until slightly golden. Wash and cut meat into small pieces and fry in onions until color changes. Add 3 glasses of hot water and bring to boil. Turn heat down and let boil slowly for about 45 minutes, adding more hot during cooking water if needed. While meat is cooking, wash French beans, cut the ends and chop into 2-3 cm pieces. Add French beans, salt, pepper and tomato paste to the meat and continue until cooked. Add lime juice and adjust seasoning. Cook for another 3-4 minutes. Khoresht Loobia-Sabz should be served with white rice.If desired, potatoes can also be added to Khoresht Loobia-Sabz. In that case, wash, peel and cut 500 grams of potatoes into small pieces and add in with 500 grams of French beans - note that required cooking time depends somewhat on the size of the cut pieces

Khoresh Reevaas

Ingredients: 4 servings
rhubarb, 1 kg
lamb or beef, 500 grams
large onions, two
sugar, 2-3 spoons
cooking oil
black pepper
mint, 200 grams optional
parsley, 200 grams optional
Peel and thinly slice onions. Fry in oil until slightly golden. Wash and cut meat into small pieces and fry in onions until color changes. Add 2-3 glasses of hot water and bring to boil. Cook over medium heat for about 45 minutes, adding more hot water during cooking if needed. Wash rhubarb and cut into 3 cm pieces. Finely chop mint and parsely and fry slightly in oil. Add rhubarb, mint, parsely, sugar, salt and pepper to the meat and continue cooking for about 10 minutes (rhubarb should not become too soft). Add lime juice and sugar to taste and cook for another 3-4 minutes. Taste the juice and make adjustments as desired. Serve khoresht karafs with white rice

۱۳۸۸ تیر ۱۴, یکشنبه

Khoresh Karafs

Khoresh Karafs

Ingredients: 6 servings
lamb or beef, 500 grams
celery, 2 bunches
medium onions, 3
fresh lime juice, one cup
sugar, 2-3 spoons
mint and parsley, 500 grams (optional)
1/2 cup of cooking oil
black pepper
Peel and thinly slice onions. Fry in oil until slightly golden. Wash and cut meat into small pieces and fry in onions until color changes. Add 2-3 glasses of hot water and bring to boil. Cook over medium heat for about 45 minutes, adding more hot water during cooking if needed. Wash celery and cut into 3 cm pieces. Finely chop mint and parsely and fry slightly in oil. Add celery, mint, parsely, salt and pepper to the meat and continue cooking for about 20 minutes (celery should not become too soft). Khoresht karafs can be made without mint and parsley. In that case, three bunches of celery should be used. Add lime juice and sugar to taste and cook for another 3-4 minutes. Taste the juice and make adjustments as desired. Serve khoresht karafs with white rice

Khoresh Ghaimeh

Khoresh Ghaimeh

Ingredients:6 servings
Stewing lamb or beef, 750 grams
Split-peas, 250 grams
3-4 onions
potatoes, 500 grams
1/2 cup of cooking oil
2-3 spoons of tomato paste
3-4 crushed, dried limes (small ones with sour taste); freshly-squeezed lime juice can be used instead
black pepper
spices (turmeric, paprika), 1 spoon
Prior to cooking, soak split-peas in warm water for 2-3 hours, then drain out the water. Peel and thinly slice onions, then fry in oil until golden. Wash and cut meat into small pieces and fry in onions until color changes. Add 3 glasses of water and bring to boil. Let boil slowly for 1-1.5 hours until mostly cooked, adding more water if needed. Peel and wash potatoes and cut into small pieces. Add potatoes, split-peas, salt, pepper, spices and tomato paste and continue boiling slowly until cooked. Add more water if needed during cooking. If using dried limes, they should be added in with the other ingredients. If using lime juice, add in towards the end and continue cooking for another 3-4 minutes. Adjust seasoning according to taste. Serve this delicious khoresht with white rice

Khoresh Baadenjaan

Khoresh Baadenjaan

Ingredients:6 servings
lamb or beef, 400 grams
small eggplants, 8
medium onions, 3
tomato paste, 2 spoons
fresh lime juice, 2 spoons
cooking oil
black pepper
Peel onions and slice thinly. Fry in oil until slightly golden. Cut meat into small pieces and fry with onions until colour changes. Bring 2-3 glasses of water to a boil, and add to meat. Add salt and pepper, and cook over medium heat for about one hour. When meat is cooked, there should be about one glass of water left. Add tomato paste and lime juice, and mix well. Peel eggplants and slice length-wise to a thickness of 1 cm. Add salt on both sides and fry in abundant oil on both sides over medium/low heat until golden. Place eggplants over meat (but do NOT mix with meat). Place the lid on and cook over low heat for another 10 minutes

Khoresh Anaar-Aveej

Ingredients:6 servings
chicken pieces, 1-1.5 kgs
ground walnuts, 500 grams
rice-flour, 2 spoonfuls
herbs (parsley, mint, coriander, spring-onion ends), 500 grams
3-4 onions
garlic, 2-3 cloves
pomegranate juice, 3-4 glasses or 4-5 spoons of pomegranate paste
sugar, 2-3 spoons
1/2 cup of cooking oil
Peel onions and slice thinly. Fry in oil until slightly golden. Wash chicken pieces and fry in onions until color changes. Add 3 glasses of hot water and bring to boil. Turn heat down and let boil slowly for about 30 minutes adding more hot water if needed. Wash and rinse the herbs, then finely chop them. Peel garlic cloves and thinly slice them. Fry herbs and garlic in oil for a few minutes. Add herbs, salt, ground walnuts and pomegranate juice or paste (if using pomegranate paste, add 2 more glasses of hot water and bring to slow boil). If pomegranate juice or paste is sour, add some sugar to the khoresht. Dissolve rice-flour in a cup of cold water and add to khoresht near the end of cooking. Care should be taken to cook the khoresht long enough so that the oil in walnuts comes out and the mix becomes quite thick. Khoresht anaar-aveej should be served with white rice

Khoresht Fesenjaan

Khoresht Fesenjaan

Ingredients:6 servings
Chicken pieces, 1-1.5 kgs
Ground walnuts, 500 grams
3-4 onions
Pomegranate juice, 3-4 glasses or 4-5 spoons of pomegranate paste
Sugar, 2-3 spoons
1/2 cup of cooking oil
Peel onions and slice thinly. Fry in oil until slightly golden. Wash chicken pieces and fry in onions until color changes. Add 3 glasses of hot water and bring to boil. Turn heat down and let boil slowly for about 30 minutes adding more hot water if needed. Add salt, ground walnuts and pomegranate juice or paste (if using pomegranate paste, add 2 more glasses of hot water and bring to slow boil). If pomegranate juice or paste is sour, add some sugar to the khoresht. Care should be taken to cook the khoresht long enough so that the oil in walnuts comes out and the mix becomes quite thick. Khoresht fesenjan should be served with white rice

۱۳۸۸ تیر ۱۳, شنبه

Khoresh Baamieh

Ingredients: 6 servings
Stewing lamb or beef, 500 grams
Okras, 750 grams
Potatoes, 500 grams optional
3-4 onions
Fresh Lime juice, 2-3 spoons
Tomato paste, 3-4 spoons
Cooking oil
Black pepper
Peel and thinly slice onions, then fry in oil until slightly golden. Wash and cut meat into small pieces and fry in onions until color changes. Add 3 glasses of hot water and bring to boil. Turn heat down and let boil slowly for about 45 minutes, adding more hot water during cooking if needed. Wash okras and cut their stems only but do not cut the bases. Add okras, salt, pepper and tomato paste to the meat and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Take care not to overcook the okras so that they do not become slippery. Add lime juice and adjust seasoning. Cook for another 3-4 minutes. Khoresht Bamieh should be served with white rice. If desired, potatoes can also be added to Khoresht Bamieh. In that case, 500 grams of potatoes should be washed, peeled and cut into small pieces, and added in with 500 grams of okras (or slightly earlier; required cooking time depends somewhat on the size of the cut pieces

Toss Kabab

Ingredients: 4 servings
stewing lamb or beef, 500 grams
potatoes, 400 grams
carrots, 400 grams
large onions, 4
tomato paste, 3-4 spoons
cooking oil
black pepper
Peel and thinly slice onions. Fry in oil until slightly golden. Wash and cut meat into small pieces and fry in onions until color changes. Add 2-3 glasses of hot water and bring to boil. Cook over medium heat for about 45 minutes, adding more hot water during cooking if needed. Wash and peel potatoes and carrots, then cut into small pieces. Add potatoes and carrots to the meat, followed by tomato paste, salt and pepper. Cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes, then serve

Kabab Barg

Ingredients: 6 servings

Fillet of lamb, 1 kg

Extra-virgin olive oil, 1/2 cup

3 onions, grated

2 cloves of garlic, crushed

6 medium tomatoes

Saffron, 1/2 teaspoon optional


Black pepper

Sumac optional
Prepare marinade: mix olive oil, onions, garlic, saffron, salt and black pepper. Cut lamb into 1 cm thick and 4-5 cm long pieces. Do not remove all the fat as you will need it to melt. Marinate overnight (preferably 24 hours) in refrigerator. Container should be covered.Thread lamb on long, thin metal skewers. Thread whole tomatoes separately on another skewer. Brush with marinade. Barbeque for about 5-10 minutes on each side, turning frequently. Kabab Barg can also be made in the oven. Prepare as before, pre-heat the grill to a high temperature, and place just under the grill, again turning frequently. Serve hot with basmati rice or on middle-eastern bread. If served with rice, some sumac may be sprinkled on



Ingredients: 4 servings
chicken, 1 kg
basmati or long grain rice, 500 grams
yogurt, 300 grams
saffron, 1/2 teaspoon
large onions, two
3 eggs (yolks only)
cooking oil
black pepper
Start by washing rice and soaking it in warm water (with added salt) for 2 hours.Then filter out the water. Chop onions into thin slices and fry in oil until slightly golden. Wash and cut chicken, remove skin, and fry in onions until color changes. Add some water and bring to boil. Turn heat down and let boil slowly until cooked, adding more water if needed. Remove the bones. While chicken is cooking, beat the yogurt until it is smooth. Dissolve saffron in half a cup of hot water. Add saffron, salt, pepper and egg-yolks to the yogurt and mix very well. Pour a few glasses of water in a large pot and bring to boil. Pour in rice and cook while stirring occasionally until rice grows longer and slightly softens (Take care not to overcook the rice. It should still be too hard for eating). Again filter out the water. Pour several spoons of oil and several spoons of the yogurt mix into a non-stick pot. Add a thin layer of rice and flatten using the back of a spoon. Add a layer of chicken on top followed by another layer of rice. Again flatten the rice. Spread several more spoons of the yogurt mix on the rice. Continue in this fashion until chicken, rice and the yogurt mix have been used up. Add some more oil on top. Put the lid on and cook for about 5 minutes over medium heat. Place the pot in an oven (preheated to 250 F) and cook for 1.5 to 2 hours. Note that the longer Tah-Chin is cooked, the thicker the Tah-Dig (delicious crispy layer of rice at the bottom) will be. When cooked, remove the lid and let cool for a few minutes. Place an inverted large dish over the pot and turn it over. Tap the pot in order to loosen the contents inside. The contents should fall on the dish in one piece with the Tah-Dig on the outside

Koofte Nokhod-chi

Koofte Nokhod-chi

Ingredients: 4 servings
ground lamb (or beef), 500 grams
chickpea flour, 300 grams
onions, two regular
fresh lime juice (or vinegar), one cup
sugar, 3-4 spoons
cooking oil
saffron, 1/2 teaspoon
black pepper
Dissolve half of saffron in a cup of hot water and add with salt, pepper and chickpea flour to ground lamb (or beef) and mix well. If necessary, gradually mix in some more water so that the mix does not stick to the hand. Slice onions and fry in oil until golden. Add five glasses of water and some salt and bring to boil. Make 3-4 cm balls from the mix and fry in oil for about 10 minutes over medium heat. Transfer balls to boiling water and add lime juice (or vinegar), sugar and the rest of saffron, and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes

Koofte Berenji

Koofte Berenji

Ingredients: 6 servings
Basmati or Long Grain Rice, 100 grams
Ground Beef or Lamb, 500 grams
Chick-pea Flour, 100 grams
Herbs spring onion ends, parsley, common-dill, sweet-fennel, mint, tarragon , 500 grams
3 Eggs
Split-peas, 100 grams
3-4 onions
0.5 cup of cooking oil
2-3 spoons of turmeric or tomato paste
Black pepper
Barberries, 100 grams
Walnuts, 100 grams
Koofteh-Berenji is a delicious ball of meat, rice and herbs with extra goodies inside. Cook rice in some water with a bit of salt until it softens, then filter out the water. Do the same to split-peas. Mix rice, split-peas, chick-pea flour, meat, eggs, salt and pepper very well. Cut the herbs very finely and mix in with the rest. Chop the onions and fry in oil until golden. Save some of the fried onions. Add 5-6 glasses of water to the rest of the onions with a bit of salt, pepper and turmeric (or tomato paste) and bring to boil. Make balls about the size of an orange from the mix, leaving a bit of barberries, walnuts and fried onions at the center. Place the balls in the boiling water and cook for a few minutes. Then continue cooking at low temperature until the koofteh is completely cooked. Make sure the container is not covered during cooking

Ghormeh Sabzi

Ingredients: 6 servings
750 grams boneless stewing lamb or beef
1 large onion, finely chopped
1/3 cup of cooking oil
1 teaspoon turmeric
1.5 cups water
1/2 cup dried limes or fresh lime juice
3/4 cup black-eye beans or kidney beans
1 large potato, diced optional
black pepper
1 cup spring onions, finely chopped
1.5 cups spinach, finely chopped
1/2 cup parsley, finely chopped
1/4 cup coriander, finely chopped optional
1/4 cup tareh (garlic chives), finely chopped
1/4 cup shanbelileh (fenugreek), finely chopped optional
Trim meat and cut into 2 cm (3/4 inch) cubes. Fry onion over medium heat in half of the oil until golden. Add turmeric and fry for 2 more minutes. Increase heat, add meat cubes and stir over high heat until meat changes color and begins to turn brown. Reduce heat. Add water, black-eye or kidney beans, salt and pepper to taste. Cover and simmer gently for 1-1.5 hours hours until meat is tender. Time depends on type of meat used. Fry potatoes over high heat in the remaining oil until lightly browned. Add to sauce, leaving oil in the pan. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Add prepared vegetables to frying pan and fry over medium heat until wilted. Add to sauce, then add dried limes (or lime juice), cover and simmer for further 10-15 minutes. Adjust seasoning and serve with white rice. An exquisite Iranian dish

Dolmeh Seeb-Zamini

Ingredients: 4 servings
500 grams of potatoes
250 grams ground lamb or beef
2 medium onions, finely chopped
cooking oil
2-3 teaspoons of tomato paste
1 tomato (optional)
2 eggs
black pepper
1/3 cup parsley, finely chopped
1/3 cup mint, finely chopped
1/2 cup spring onions, finely chopped
1/3 cup garlic chives, finely chopped
1/3 cup tarragon, finely chopped (optional)
Fry onions in cooking oil over medium heat until golden. Add ground meat and fry further until meat changes color. Add 1/2 cup water, salt, pepper and tomato paste. Mix and cook further until water boils off. Fry prepared vegetables in cooking oil over medium heat until wilted. Mix well meat and vegetables. Cook potatoes in water, then peel and mash them. Add raw eggs, salt and black pepper, and mix well. Take a handful of potato-mix and shape it into a ball, then create a hole in the middle and fill with the meat-mix. Cover with some more potato-mix and shape into a disc. Repeat until both mixes are used up. Fry both sides of the discs in cooking oil over medium heat until golden. Can be served with slices of tomatos and bits of parsley

Dolmeh Gojeh Farangi

Ingredients: 4 servings
4 large and firm tomatoes
250 grams of ground lamb or beef
100 grams of long-grain or basmati rice
2 medium onions, finely chopped
cooking oil
3-4 teaspoons of tomato paste
fresh lime juice, 2-3 spoons
sugar, 2-3 teaspoons
black pepper
1/3 cup parsley, finely chopped
1/3 cup mint, finely chopped
1/2 cup spring onions, finely chopped
1/3 cup garlic chives, finely chopped
1/3 cup tarragon, finely chopped (optional)
Fry onions in cooking oil over medium heat until golden. Add ground meat and fry further until meat changes color. Add 1/2 cup water, salt, pepper and tomato paste. Mix and cook further until water boils off. Fry prepared vegetables in cooking oil over medium heat until wilted. Boil two cups of water in a small pot. Add 1 teaspoon of salt and rice and boil further until rice softens. Drain the water and let cool slightly. Cut a small circle at the tops of the tomatoes. Remove the contents of each tomato with a small spoon taking care not to make the outer layer thin. Sprinkle some salt inside the tomatoes. Mix prepared meat, vegetables and rice well. Fill the tomatoes with the mix and close the tops. Pour 2-3 spoons of cooking oil in a pot and place the tomatoes inside without stacking. Do not add any water. Cook in the oven at low temperature for 15-20 minutes.

Dolmeh-yeh Barg-e Mow

Dolmeh-yeh Barg-e Mow

Ingredients: 4 servings
fresh vine leaves, 250 grams
ground lamb or beef, 250 grams
long-grain or basmati rice, 100 grams
herbs: parsley, dill, mint, tarragon, spring onions, 250 grams
large onions, two
cooking oil
tomato paste, two spoons
black pepper
fresh lime juice, 1/2 cup
sugar, two spoons
Fry onions in cooking oil over medium heat until golden. Add ground meat and fry further until meat changes color. Add 1/2 cup water, salt, pepper and tomato paste. Mix and cook further until water boils off. Wash and finely chop the herbs. Fry in oil over medium heat until wilted. Boil two cups of water in a small pot. Add 1 teaspoon of salt and rice and boil further until rice softens. Drain the water and let cool slightly. Mix prepared meat, herbs and rice well. Remove any remaining stems from vine leaves, and wash. Add hot water and salt and boil for 1-2 minutes until leaves soften slightly. Drain water and allow to cool. Mix lime juice, sugar, salt and pepper. Add half to the mix prepared earlier, and mix well. Pour 2-3 spoons of oil in a pot. Place 2 or 3 layers of vine leaves in the pot. Stack two leaves covering the cracks, place some of the Dolmeh mix on top and wrap the leaves tightly around it. Repeat until all leaves or the entire mix is used up. Place the dolmeh's in the pot packed together. Add oil and 1/2 glass of hot water. Cover and cook over low heat for about 20-30 minutes. If necessary, add more hot water during cooking. Add the remainder of the lime juice and sugar mix and cook for another 2-3 minutes

۱۳۸۸ تیر ۱۲, جمعه

Dolmeh-yeh Baadenjaan

Dolmeh-yeh Baadenjaan

Ingredients: 4 servings
8 small eggplants
400 grams ground lamb or beef
100 grams of long-grain or basmati rice
2 medium onions, finely chopped
cooking oil
2-3 teaspoons of tomato paste
fresh lime juice, 3-4 teaspoons
sugar, 2-3 teaspoons
black pepper
1/2 cup parsley, finely chopped
1/3 cup mint, finely chopped
1/2 cup spring onions, finely chopped
1/3 cup garlic chives, finely chopped
1/3 cup tarragon, finely chopped (optional)
Fry onions in cooking oil over medium heat until golden. Add ground meat and fry further until meat changes color. Add 1/2 cup water, salt, pepper and tomato paste. Mix and cook further until water boils off. Fry prepared vegetables in cooking oil over medium heat until wilted. Boil two cups of water in a small pot. Add 1 teaspoon of salt and rice and boil further until rice softens. Drain the water and let cool slightly. Peel eggplants and cut a circle at the tops, then remove insides without creating any holes at the sides or the end. Sprinkle some salt inside the eggplants. Mix prepared meat, vegetables and rice well. Fill the eggplants with the mix and close the tops. Fry eggplants in cooking oil for 5-10 minutes over medium heat, then place in a pot side by side (avoid stacking them). Dissolve one teaspoon of tomato paste in a glass of hot water and add to eggplants. Add salt, black pepper, lime juice and sugar and simmer for 5-10 minutes until water boils off

Dolmeh Felfel

Ingredients: 4 servings
4 large green or red peppers
250 grams ground lamb or beef
100 grams of long-grain or basmati rice
2 medium onions, finely chopped
cooking oil
3-4 teaspoons of tomato paste
black pepper
2-3 teaspoons of sugar
3-4 spoonfuls of fresh lime juice
1/3 cup parsley, finely chopped
1/3 cup mint, finely chopped
1/2 cup spring onions, finely chopped
1/3 cup garlic chives, finely chopped
1/3 cup tarragon, finely chopped (optional)
Fry onions in cooking oil over medium heat until golden. Add ground meat and fry further until meat changes color. Add 1/2 cup water, salt, pepper and most of tomato paste. Mix and cook further until water boils off. Fry prepared vegetables in cooking oil over medium heat until wilted. Boil two cups of water in a small pot. Add 1 teaspoon of salt and rice and boil further until rice softens. Drain the water and let cool slightly. Cut a circle at the top of the peppers and remove seeds. Boil 2 cups of water in a large pot. Add 1 teaspoon of salt and the peppers. They should be placed side by side (make sure not to stack them). Cook until they soften slightly. Take care not to overcook or they might fall apart later on. Drain the water and let cool. Mix well prepared meat, vegetables, most of lime juice, most of sugar, and rice. Sprinkle some salt inside peppers, fill them with the mix and close the tops. Again place the peppers side by side (avoid stacking them) in a large pot. Prepare sauce by mixing 1/2 cup of hot water with the rest of sugar, lime juice and tomato paste. Pour the sauce in over the peppers and simmer for 5-10 minutes. Serve this wonderful dolmeh hot with the sauce


Ingredients: 4 servings
shoulder lamb, 600 grams
medium onions, 3
Iranian (sangak), middle-eastern, or pitta bread
cooking oil
black pepper
Peel and thinly slice onions. Wash and cut meat into small pieces. Add onions and 3 glasses of hot water to meat and cook over medium heat for about 45 minutes (adding more hot water during cooking if necessary). Add salt, pepper, and turmeric, mix well and cook for a few more minutes. There should be no water left when cooking is over. Grind (mince) the cooked meat or chop it finely using a sharp, large knife. Fry in oil over medium heat for about 15 minutes, then serve over bread with more bread covering the meat. Note that no rice is served with this dish. Beryani is a delicious dish from Esfahan

Maahi Kabab

Maahi Kabab

Ingredients: 4 servings
whole fish (such as salmon or cod)
fresh lime juice, 1/2 cup
extra-virgin olive oil, 1/2 cup
coriander, 50 grams
parsley, 50 grams
mint, 50 grams
saffron, 1/2 teaspoon
black pepper
Note that fresh fish should have raised eyes and should be bright red under the ears
Cut fish length-wise from below. Remove insides, then wash inside and out, and dry thoroughly. Place each side under grill at high temperature for 5-10 minutes so that the skin dries up. Remove fish and separate skin which should come off easily
Prepare sauce as following: wash and finely chop coriander, parsley and mint. Add lime juice, olive oil, saffron, salt, and black pepper, and mix well
Cover a suitable pan with aluminum foil and place fish on top. Add the sauce on both sides as well as inside. Cover with a sheet of aluminum foil and cook in oven at medium temperature for 45 minutes to one hour. Note however that exact cooking time depends on the type and size of fish. Take care not to over-cook. Add more sauce 2 or 3 times during cooking. When cooked, decorate fish with slices of lime or lemon and some parsley. Serve with Sabzi-Polow. It is customary to serve Maahi-Kabab with Sabzi-Polow on the Iranian New Year's day which coincides with the Spring Equinox

Joojeh Kabab

Ingredients:4 servings
chicken, 1 kg
extra-virgin olive oil, 1/2 cup
2 large onions, grated
4 medium tomatos
black pepper
saffron, 1/2 teaspoon optional
Prepare marinade: mix olive oil, grated onions, saffron, salt and black pepper. Wash and cut chicken into small pieces, then remove the skin. Marinate overnight (or at least for several hours) in refrigerator. The container should be covered
Thread chicken on long, thin metal skewers. Thread leg and thigh pieces, wings and breast pieces separately, as breast requires slightly less cooking. Also thread whole tomatoes separately on another skewer. Brush with marinade. Barbeque for about 5-10 minutes on each side, turning frequently. Joojeh Kabab can also be prepared in the oven. Prepare chicken as before, pre-heat the grill to a high temperature, and place just under the grill, again turning frequently. Serve hot with basmati rice or on middle-eastern bread

۱۳۸۸ تیر ۱۱, پنجشنبه

Kabab Hosseini

Ingredients: 6 servings
fillet of lamb, 1 kg
extra-virgin olive oil, 1/2 cup
3 onions, grated
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
6 medium tomatos
saffron, 1/2 teaspoon optional
black pepper
sumac optional
Prepare marinade: mix olive oil, onions, garlic, saffron, salt and black pepper. Cut lamb into 1 cm thick and 4-5 cm long pieces. Do not remove all the fat as you will need it to melt. Marinate overnight (preferrably 24 hours) in refrigerator. Container should be covered. Thread lamb on long, thin metal skewers. Thread whole tomatoes separately on another skewer. Brush with marinade. Barbeque for about 5-10 minutes on each side, turning frequently. Kabab Barg can also be made in the oven. Prepare as before, pre-heat the grill to a high temperature, and place just under the grill, again turning frequently. Serve hot with basmati rice or on middle-eastern bread. If served with rice, some sumac may be sprinkled on

Kabab-e Koobideh

Kabab-e Koobideh

Ingredients: 4 servings
ground lamb or beef, 500 g
large onions, two grated
garlic, one clove crushed
large egg, one beaten
medium tomatoes, four
black pepper
turmeric, one teaspoon optional
sumac optional
Mix meat, onions, garlic, egg, salt, pepper and turmeric well and leave in the refrigerator overnight (or for several hours). Press the meat around long, thick metal skewers and shape evenly. Thread whole tomatoes on another skewer. Barbeque each side for about five minutes, turning frequently. (If skewers are not available or barbequing is not possible, kabab-e koobideh can be shaped into long, thin portions on aluminum foil and grilled at high temperature in the oven. The oven should be pre-heated and kabab-e koobideh should be placed as high as possible near the source of the heat. Again, turn a few times.Serve with hot Basmati rice or on middle-eastern bread. If serving with rice, some sumac may be sprinkled on top. If kabab-e koobideh was made in an oven, the juice from the kabab can be poured on rice or bread

Polow or Chelow

Ingredients: 4 servings
basmati rice, 500 grams
cooking oil
The preparation of polow (or chelow) is more elaborate than kateh and results in a delicious non-sticky rice. It is normally served with kababs or any of the main dishes in this collection, unless rice is already used as one of the ingredients.Wash rice twice and soak in salted warm water for 3-4 hours, then drain the water. Pour water in a large non-stick pan until it is half-full and bring it to a boil. Add rice and a spoonful of salt and continue boiling until rice slightly softens. Pour rice into a drain and wash it with slightly warm water. Pour a few spoonfuls of cooking oil into the pan and add rice. Pour a few more spoonfuls of oil over rice. Cover the pan and cook over low heat for about half an hour. If cooking time is increased, a delicious crispy layer of rice (called ta-dig) will form at the bottom of the pan


Ingredients: 4 servings
basmati or long-grain rice, 3 cups
cooking oil
Kateh is normally served with kababs or any of the main dishes in this collection, unless rice is already used as one of the ingredients. Kateh is simpler to cook than polow. Wash three cups of rice with plain water twice and drain the water. Pour rice into a non-stick pan. Add five cups of water, four spoons of oil and two spoons of salt, and mix. Bring the water to a boil over high temperature. Let the water boil until water level sinks to just below rice level. Cover the pan, and cook over low temperature for about half an hour

Main Dishes

۱۳۸۸ تیر ۱۰, چهارشنبه

Ice cream

Ingredients: 4 servings
vanilla ice-cream, one litre
thick (or double) cream, 100 grams
rose-water, 2 spoonfuls
The cream used to prepare Bastani Akbar-Mashti should be very thick. Leave the cream in the freezer until it is frozen. Cream or Ice-cream should not be very hard. Cut frozen cream into small pieces and mix with ice-cream. Add rose-water and mix well.Place the mix in the freezer for at least one hour


Ingredients: 4 servings
wheat, 500 grams
wheat flour, 2 kg
Samanoo is usually made at the Iranian new year (starts on the first day of spring: 20 or 21 March
Wash wheat with cold water, then rinse. Add cold water until there is 2-3 cm of water over the wheat. Leave for about two days, changing the water after the first day. The wheat should begin to germinate. Rinse thoroughly.Hold a thin piece of cloth under cold water until it is completely wet. Pour wheat inside and wrap the cloth around it. Place it in a bowl and leave the bowl in a warm place. Once or twice a day, sprinkle a bit of cold water over the cloth to make it wet but not soggy.When roots appear, spread wheat on a large plate, then spread the cloth over it and sprinkle with water. Continue sprinkling with water once or twice a day until silvery sprouts appear. Wheat should be used before the sprouts turn green.Grind the wheat, add two glasses of cold water, and mix well. Filter out the excess water. Press the wheat hard to squeeze out the extract. Add wheat extract to flour while mixing. The mix should become thin.Place the mix over medium heat, stirring frequently until the mix starts boiling and thickens. Continue heating until water disappears. Fry the mix without any oil or sugar for about 10-15 minutes.Gradually add 1-2 glasses of hot water and mix well. Allow to boil slowly, stirring occasionally until the mix slightly thickens. Place in the oven for about 30 minutes at low temperature


Ingredients: 4 servings
medium eggs, two
yogurt, 100 grams
cooking oil, 100 grams
flour, 150 grams
baking powder, one teaspoon
almonds, 250 grams
fine sugar, 150 grams
cardamom powder, one spoonful
Separate egg-yolks and mix well with baking powder, cooking oil and yogurt. Add flour gradually while stirring the mix. Pour the dough in a plastic bag and leave for 1-2 hours.Peel and ground almonds. Mix well with sugar and cardamom powder. Spread some flour on a table-top. Make orange-sized balls from the dough. Flatten the ball on the table-top to a thickness of 0.5 cm using a roller. Cut circles into the dough with a cup. Place some of the almond-sugar mix at the center of each circle. Bring the edges of the circle together and press to close completely. Fry in pre-heated oil until colour changes. Drain the excess oil, then roll in fine sugar


Ingredients : 4 servings
fine sugar, 150 grams
thick honey, 3-4 spoonfuls
cooking oil, 100 grams
saffron, one teaspoon
almonds, 150 grams
pistachios, 100 grams
Wash and thinly slice almonds, then allow to dry. Thinly slice pistachios. Mix sugar, honey and oil and cook over high heat stirring occasionally until sugar melts and turns golden.Add almonds and continue cooking while stirring occasionally until almonds also turn golden. Avoid too much stirring of the mix. Dissolve saffron in a bit of hot water and add to the mix. Pour some oil on a flat tray and rub over the entire surface. Pour a small amount of the mix on the tray. If it solidifies quickly, the mix is ready, Turn the heat very low. Pour small portions of the mix using a teaspoon on the tray at equal distances so that the portions do not touch. As soon as each portion is poured on the tray, place a few slices of pistachio on top. Allow to cool. Separate the sohaan from the tray using a knife and keep in a covered container